
Armed with his dream of addressing poverty in the world but challenged by the reality of the unprofitable NBV market prospect, Nikhil, under the management of Mera Gao Micro Grid Power (MGP), has graciously offered to partner with us on this project.

Thus, we would be borrowing their model design and leveraging their networks to implement this project. To this end, we would install the power generation and distribution system in concert with MGP technicians. After installation, MGP would sustain the project well into the future. Their responsibilities would include:

·   Managing and maintaining the instituted solar panel system after we leave NBV. In Kanpur, an approximately 45 minute drive from NBV, MGP has a director to oversee operations and an electrician to make repairs and replacements in equipment and also perform a routine inspection of the equipment.
·    Feeding us with periodic reports as per the general status of the system is concerned.
· Collecting a monthly fee of $1 from each household to cover for incidental repairs, management of the solar system and MGP’s overhead cost. This fee represents about 70% of the average rural off-grid household’s current expenditures on biomass and totals a 30% savings for the NBV households.

Letter of Support From Mera Gao Micro Grid Power

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